Happy Hosts
Welcome to Happy Hosts podcast...a place where Dani & Steph talk about their short life experiences which include: friends, mental health, relationships, family, and current culture. They are two cousins who have lived next to each other for their whole lives but have completely different personalities. This podcast is their attempt to try and vocalize their opinions, thoughts, and feelings. They are not best selling authors or tik tok stars, but they are equally as entertaining! *We hope you enjoy listening to our podcast. We are complete newbies, so don't be too harsh. If you do enjoy our podcast, help us get started by spreading the word! If you want, you can also follow us on Instagram and Twitter @happyhostspodcast :) Love, Stephanie & Dani
15 episodes
Life Update Pt. 2
We are back after a long hiatus and with a quick update on what's been going on. We talk about school, mental health, our future, and more! There has definitely been improvement in our lives and we can't wait for you guys to hear about it!! Als...
Season 1
Episode 17

We Need To Talk About Kevin
In today's episode, we are breaking down the movie named "We Need To Talk About Kevin". Originally a book, it breaks down the relationship between a mother and a son. The son, Kevin, is a sociopath who has been making his mom's life a living he...
Season 1
Episode 16

Are We Sociopaths?
DISClAIMER: WE ARE NOT TRYING TO DIAGNOSE OUR SELVES...this is just for fun. Sometimes we make jokes about being sociopaths and not having feelings and today we are finding out if these jokes are true or not. We are taking two tests to...
Episode 15

The Journey To Our Best Friends
Sometimes in life we cross paths with (so called) friends just so we can meet our true friend-mates. In today's episode, we are talking about past friends and our experiences with different people. From always having to worry about your plac...
Season 1
Episode 14

What Motivates Us?
we are back!! after like 3 weeks of completely forgetting we have a podcast :) in this week's episode we are talking about what, who motivates us and how we stay that way. There is so many things in life that affect us and our path. From being ...
Season 1
Episode 13

Our Bad Habits
Welcome to our 12th episode where we talk about our bad habits. From trying to control people, to binge eating, not eating, and almost burning houses down. This episode also dives into the things that have going on in our lives and the emotions...
Season 1
Episode 12

A Life Update
Hey guys,Welcome back to a brand new episode where we are talking about the different stuff that has been going on in our lives. Topics like summer vacation, school, and mental health. Last week we took a week off because we don't know how ...
Season 1
Episode 10

What Personality Are We?
What personality are we? What jobs are right for our personalities? In today's episode Dani and I will be taking the 16 Personality Test. We hope you enjoy learning about what personality this websi...
Season 1
Episode 9

Do We Come From Money?
Hello People,In this episode we are going to be hitting the subject of money. Are we filthy rich or dirt poor? We will also be talking about money insecurities, how we perceive money, and how it has affected our life. A lot of people think ...
Season 1
Episode 8

Stephanie's Relationship W/ Her Parents
From calling your mom a really bad word, to now being besties with her ....Today's episode is all about Stephanie and her relationship with her parents. Parents can be tough sometimes, and it does not make it easier when you have traditional pa...
Season 1
Episode 6

The Munchies...
NO, this episode is not about drugs. I just clickbaited you guys hehehe. Congrats! But this episode is about our favorite foods and how it makes us feel? Fat, skinny, emotional, fearful? Who knows until you listen to this episode...We will also...
Season 1
Episode 5

Do We Even Church?
In TODAY's episode... we are spilling the tea on god! Do we believe in him? What religion are we part of? Do we look down upon on those who do not believe in God? These are only some of the questions that will be answered today. We are part of ...
Season 1
Episode 4

What It's Like Working For Minimum Wage...
As we grow older, we go out into the world and get jobs. So that is exactly what we are talking about in this week's episode! Work can be all fun and games, unless you have a really toxic boss..which one of us had. Listen to find out who :) Any...
Season 1
Episode 3